1971 Lotus Elan +2S 130/4

Leamington Spa, United Kingdom


1971 Lotus Elan +2S 130/4

1971 Lotus Elan +2S 130/4 is for sale on our website, Trade Classics. The price listed here is our guide price. Please view Trade Classics to read more about the car with more photos of the car that will show you the full condition, with the option to directly ask the seller any questions you may have.
The Lotus Elan Plus 2 has the most beautiful lines which still look current over 50 years on. For its time, it had stunning performance and handling and was a highly desirable sports car.
I have owned the car for nearly 10 years and have enjoyed working on it and simply looking at it. I consider it to be almost a work of art. Now in my seventies, working on it and getting in and out of it are getting a bit harder. I don't use it very much, having covered less than 1,000 miles in the time I've owned it. I think it's time to let someone else have ownership.
We've written a longer and detailed description about this vehicle on our website that will have all of your burning questions answered. To see the car on our site then just click the 'Website' link on this listing - it will take you directly to the car without searching, or you can search for us, Trade Classics, on Google.
We love to speak to buyers about our specialist cars, however, we sell lots of cars each week across the UK and mainland EU, so we'd really value you helping us out by checking out the full listing on Trade Classics first. This is because we have written additional information about history, condition and specification. Don't worry, if you still have a question and you want to speak to us then no problem - please just give us a call during office hours.
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  • Size 1.6L


  • Type Manual


  • Type Petrol


  • Doors 2
  • Colour Red
  • Body type Coupe

About the seller

Trade Classics


Reference #18114982 | Trade advert

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